Download BitTorrent (Dansk) gratis herunder

Download det fremragende fildelingsprogram BitTorrent gratis her.

BitTorrent giver dig mulighed for at downloade og uploade torrent-filer. Torrent-filer er en filtype, som lader dig dele ellers store filer, uden at det tager evigheder. Du kan eksempelvis downloade en torrent-fil af en bestemt softwarepakke, og dernæst downloader du den over tid. Grunden til den hurtige download skyldes at BitTorrent er brugerafhængigt, det vil sige at efter du har downloadet en fil, så kan du vælge at ”seede” den, så andre brugere, som ønsker at downloade samme fil, kan benytte sig at din internethastighed, og derved foregår download med ekstrem hastighed for alle BitTorrent-brugere.  

Bag om programmet

Hvis du mangler et godt program til download af forskellige torrent-filer, så er du kommet til det rette sted. BitTorrent er et af de mest populære peer-to-peer netværksprojekter lige nu. Programmet er programmeret af Bram Cohen, og blev først udgivet i 2001. BitTorrent distribuerer store mængder data uden, at deres centrale servere belastes. Dette betyder for dig, at du får et hurtigt program at arbejde med. BitTorrent har derudover fået et nyt design og nye funktioner.

BitTorrent minder på mange måder om brødre-programmet uTorrent, og programmerne kan stort set også de samme ting. Ligesom uTorrent kan BitTorrent downloade torrent-filter med høj hastighed, og har på samme måde en overskuelig brugerflade, som gør programmet nemt at bruge, og du får en god oplevelse med download.

BitTorrent er som netværk kendt for at have en helt vildt høj downloadhastighed, og grundet dets mange brugbare funktioner, har programmet en stor brugerskare, som loyalt fortsætter deres brug af BitTorrent. BitTorrent opdateres jævnligt, og fås i flere forskellige versioner. Man kan bl.a. få en ”free download”-version, en såkaldt BitTorrent Ad-free version til en pris på 4,95 USD/året, og en BitTorrent Pro til 19,95 USD om året.

De koster henholdsvis 30 DKK og 121 DKK om året. Køber du Ad-free udgaven, så slipper du for diverse annoncer under brug af BitTorrent. Pro-versionen inkluderer op til flere features. Blandt disse features finder du bl.a. automatisk beskyttelse mod virus og malware, kunde support, og så er der her mulighed for at kunne konvertere til andre enheder. Du kan læse mere om disse muligheder på BitTorrents hjemmeside.

Det skal desuden nævnes, at du ved download her på downloadcentral kan få en dansk udgave af BitTorrent. Du kan aktivere denne medfølgende sprogpakke ved at flytte filen bittorrent.Ing til %AppData%BitTorrent. Derefter skal du bare vælge dansk som foretrukne sprog.

Hav styr på sikkerheden

BitTorrent udleverer ofte programmets fordele fremfor at indrømme at programmet af og til benyttes uhensigtsmæssigt af nogle personer, og at der derfor foregår en hel del ulovlig deling. BitTorrent forsøger at holde programmet stueren gennem bl.a. oprydning af egne trackere. Men i og med at BitTorrent er en af de allermest brugte fildelingsprotokoller, som konstant distribuere forskellige digitale filer, er dette betydende, at den ulovlige fildeling nærmest er uundgåelig. Det er derfor uhyre vigtigt at man passer godt på sin computer, når man gør brug af denne slags fildelingsprogrammer. Man risikerer let, at der kan snige sig diverse virus, trojanske heste samt forskellige arter af malware med ind på ens computer, når man downloader sidens forskellige filer. Man skal være opmærksom på disse ting, og derfor bør din computer altså være godt sikret.

Hertil kan det anbefales, at du har et godt anti-virus program, en firewall og en god backup, hvis uheldet skulle være ude m.m..
Ved at følge dette link til downloadcentrals sikkerhedskategori, så kan du selv danne dig et overblik over de forskellige programmer, der kan sikre din computer mod virus og malware.

Andre programmer du måske vil finde nyttige

Forskellige programmer har forskellige funktioner, og du vil naturligvis gerne downloade det som passer bedst på dine behov. Var BitTorrent ikke helt det program, du ledte efter? Så kommer der her et par andre gode forslag til alternative programmer. BitTorrent har en lillebror kaldet uTorrent. Begge programmer går under producenten BitTorrent Inc. De kan stort set det samme. Ligesom sin storebror gør uTorrent kun brug af få af computerens ressourcer, og øger hurtigheden ved at downloade større filer fra flere forskellige kilder på én gang. På den måde bliver systemet ikke belastet. uTorrent er særligt god, hvis du skal downloade musik, film og/eller software. Hvor BitTorrent kun er kompatibelt med MAC OS X og Windows, så opererer uTorrent også med Linux eller UNIX. Programmet downloader dog ikke ligeså mange filer samtidigt, som BitTorrent gør, idet det ikke har samme kapacitet til rådighed som BitTorrent.

Leder du efter et peer-to-peer fildelingsprogram, hvor brugere på kryds og tværs deler filer med hinanden direkte, hører musik, ser musikvideoer og interagerer socialt med andre brugere, så er det måske BearShare, du skal have. Der udvikles ikke længere på BearShare, men den seneste version er det stadig muligt at downloade. Ved brug af BearShare og uTorrent er det ligesom ved BitTorrent vigtigt at tænke på sikkerheden, da du ved download af filer i disse fildelingsprogrammer kan risikere at få virus. Sidst men ikke mindst kan ShareIt nævnes. Dette program skiller sig lidt ud fra ovenstående ved ikke at være et peer-to-peer program. Programmet her bruges til at dele filer som apps, fotos, videoer, billeder m.m. mellem enheder. Dette gøres gennem en trådløs forbindelse. ShareIt er lynhurtigt og effektivt, for ikke at tale om supernemt at bruge. Programmet er et godt alternativ til bluetooth, da den deler filerne op til 200 gange hurtigere end bluetooth. Platformen er for ShareIt ligegyldigt, da det virker på alt fra Windows, IOS og Android.

Skal du have overført nogle store filer, så er dette et super godt program. Lever ingen af programmerne op til dine forventninger? Så kan du besøge vores fildelingskategori ved at klikke her.


BitTorrent er til dig, der har brug for et velfungerende program, hvor du både kan dele og downloade en masse forskellige typer af filer. Med BitTorrent kan du finde alt fra film til musik og meget mere. Så længe du er påpasselig, så kan BitTorrent snildt blive din nye bedste ven. Man skal være på vagt overfor virus og malware i forbindelse med fildeling, og derfor bør man udstyre sin computer med et godt antivirusprogram. Når du først er sikret, så er du klar til at gøre brug af BitTorrent.

BitTorrent (Dansk) - Screenshots

Screenshot af BitTorrent (Dansk)Screenshot af BitTorrent (Dansk)
Screenshot af BitTorrent (Dansk)Screenshot af BitTorrent (Dansk)

Muligheder for download af BitTorrent (Dansk) - Danske servere

Download BitTorrent (Dansk) her (gratis og kontrolleret for virus)

Detaljeret information om BitTorrent (Dansk)

  • Licens:
  • Version:
  • Tilføjet:
  • Sidst opdateret:
  • Kritikers vurdering:
    80/100 points
  • Understøtter officielt OS:
    Windows & Mac
  • Producent:
    Rainberry, Inc.
4 0 536 BitTorrent (Dansk)
Slutbruger Licensaftale (EULA)    |    Afinstallering


This End User Licence Agreement (or "EULA") governs the relationship between you and RAINBERRY, INC., in relation to this software, "BITTORRENT (DANSK)" (the "Software").
This EULA incorporates the rules and guidelines that apply to your use of the Software (the "Software Rules").


If you are under 18 years of age, please ask your parent or guardian to review and approve this EULA on your behalf. If you are under the aforesaid age, you must not use or access the Software without a parent or legal guardian supervising you.
You confirm your agreement to this EULA including the Software Rules as part of the installation process of the Software (if applicable) or by using the Software. If you do not agree to this EULA or the Software Rules, please do not attempt to install or use the Software.


You confirm that as part of the process of creating a RAINBERRY, INC. account (an "Account") you read and agreed with our Terms of Service and our Privacy and Cookie Policy.


From time to time, we may need to amend this EULA for serious reasons, for example to reflect new features and functionality in the Software or because of changes in the law. If we make a change to this EULA, we will inform you via email in advance of such changes thirty (30) days before such changes enter into force and of your right not to accept them. The latest version of this EULA will always be available on the RAINBERRY, INC. websites (the "Sites"). Please make sure you check for updates to this EULA each time you use the Software. Changes to this EULA shall not affect your accrued rights and shall not have retroactive effect.
From time to time, we may also need to amend the Software Rules for serious reasons, for example to address issue that may arise in the Software or the way that the Software is being played and to ensure that the Software continues to be enjoyable for all users. If we make a change to these Software Rules, we will inform you via email in advance of such changes thirty (30) days before such changes enter into force and of your right not to accept them. The latest version of the Software Rules will always be available on the Sites. Changes to the Software Rules shall not affect your accrued rights and shall not have retroactive effect.

5. USING THE Software

In return for your acceptance of this EULA, we give you the personal right (known as a 'licence') during the time this EULA is in force between you and us to download, install and play the Software.
This licence is:
'non-exclusive' (meaning that we can grant the same and similar licences to other people as well);
'revocable' (meaning that we can terminate this licence in certain circumstances, which are explained further below);
'personal' (meaning that you may not use the Software for any commercial purpose);
'non-transferable' (meaning that the licence is only for your benefit and you may not transfer or sublicense any of the rights that we grant to you to any other person); and
'limited' (meaning that you can only use the Software for the purposes we set out in this EULA); and
conditional on your compliance with this EULA.


For using the Software you need certain hardware, software and capability (including a suitable connection to the Internet).


From time to time, we may need to deploy or provide patches, updates, additional content or other modifications to the Software (for example to enhance online Softwareplay, to add new or udate features or to resolve software bugs). You hereby accept, recognize and understand that we constantly work on further development of the Software and Services, we improve, upgrade and update graphics, features, Softwareplay and any other Content of the Software in order to make the Softwareplay enjoyable for you.


The Software, including the code, graphics, Software play, user interface, audio and other content, contain proprietary information and material that is protected by copyright and other laws including but not limited to intellectual property. You agree that we own or license all of this proprietary information and material and that you may not use or exploit any of it without our permission.
"RAINBERRY, INC." and "BITTORRENT (DANSK)" and their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of RAINBERRY, INC.. You may not use or display such trademarks in any manner, except as expressly set out in this EULA. All third party trademarks and service marks that appear in the Software are the property of their respective owners and all rights in them are reserved.

9. Software RULES

The Software Rules set out how we expect you to behave when playing the Software. Please review the Software Rules carefully before playing the Software. Please note that 'role-playing' is not an excuse for contravening the Software Rules.
If you are in material breach with the Software Rules, then we may, at our reasonable discretion depending on the seriousness of the breach take some or all of the following actions:
suspend your access to the ‘Software chat’ functionality in the Software for a short period of time;
suspend your access to the ‘Software chat’ functionality in the Software for a longer period of time; and
suspend or close your Account as provided in the Terms of Service.
If the breach is your first breach, if it is not flagrant, if it is capable of cure, and if the circumstances allow us to do so, then we shall give you 14 (fourteen) calendar days prior written notice of the impending Account closure to give you the opportunity to cure the breach during such time period. If we suspend your Account, then during the period of that suspension you will not be able to access your Account or use any of the Services. If we close your Account, then you will never be able to access your Account and we may also prohibit you from accessing or using the Services in future.
If we suspend your access to the 'Software chat' functionality in the Software, then during the period of that suspension you will be able to play the Software and read the 'Software chat' of other players, but will not be able to participate in 'Software chat'.
If you encounter another user who is contravening any of the Software Rules, please report this activity to RAINBERRY, INC. using the "Help" or "Report Abuse" functions in the Software if available.


Certain people are susceptible to epileptic seizures or loss of consciousness when exposed to certain flashing lights or light patterns in everyday life. Such people may have a seizure while watching certain monitor images or playing certain video Softwares. This may happen even if the person has no medical history of epilepsy or has never had any epileptic seizures. If you or anyone in your family has ever had symptoms related to epilepsy (seizures or loss of consciousness) when exposed to flashing lights, consult your doctor prior to playing. We advise that parents should monitor the use of video Softwares by their children. If you or your child experience any of the following symptoms: dizziness, blurred vision, eye or muscle twitches, loss of consciousness, disorientation, any involuntary movement or convulsion, while playing a video Software, IMMEDIATELY discontinue use of the video Software and consult your doctor. Please also note that when using a video Software you should take certain standard health and safety precautions, including avoiding playing the Software when tired and not had much sleep, taking 10 to 15 minute breaks every hour, sittinga reasonable distance from the screen, and playing the Software in a well-lit environment.


We warrant that we have the right to enter this EULA and to grant you the licences to use the Software set out in section 5 (“USING THE Software”).
We shall be liable for damages with respect to injuries to health, body or life or for intentional damages caused by us, our representatives, employees or our vicarious agents or according to the applicable law.
With respect to virtual goods that are purchased by you, we shall be liable in addition to article 2 of the present section 11 for damages that arise from the lack of a guaranteed characteristic or gross negligence of us, our representatives, or designated agents.
And further liability of us shall be waived.


This EULA and any dispute, claim or obligation (whether contractual or non-contractual) arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation shall be governed by law of the country where you live.
We and you submit the aforementioned disputes to the jurisdiction of the courts of the country where you live.


The EULA governs our relationship with you. It does not create any rights for any other person, unless otherwise expressly stated in this EULA.
If any part of this EULA is held to be unenforceable, then it will not affect the enforceability of any other part of this EULA. Also, we and you agree to interpret the rest of this EULA in such a way as to reflect your and our intentions in this EULA as far as possible.
If you or we fail to exercise (or delay exercising) any right which you or we may have under this EULA, that failure or delay does not mean that we or you lose that right. If we or you only partially exercise a right or only exercise it once, that will not stop you or us from exercising it again in the future.


The provisions of this EULA do not exclude, limit or otherwise restrict the rights vested with the consumers upon relevant provisions of applicable law nor may be construed by anyone in this way.

Afinstallering af BitTorrent (Dansk)

Hvis du på et tidspunkt skulle ønske at afinstallere BitTorrent (Dansk) fra din computer igen, så kan du her se, hvordan du kan gøre dette:
  1. Åben kontrolpanelet i Windows
  2. Vælg “Tilføj/Fjern programmer”
  3. Find BitTorrent (Dansk), markér det og vælg “Afinstaller”
  4. Følg nu processen
Skulle BitTorrent (Dansk) være blevet beskadiget og svært at fjerne manuelt, så kan vi anbefale dig at finde hjælp til afinstallering her.